I measured up my GT55 turbine, which looks to be the same size and I would guess, the same casting as yours...I got a throat area (Plane 44) of:
A44 = 6.051 inches
I am still working on my cycle program, but I thought that I would plug the numbers in to see what I come up with... I am still checking the solver for the gas properties (enthalpy, entropy, Cp, gamma, etc.), but so far the checks that I have done have lined up well to the NASA published properties.
This program uses a compressible flow solver to find the local gas properties and then standard relations to solve the momentum/mass/torque exchanges between each station. I assumed a mechanical efficiency of 98.5% and rotor speed of 76 krpm. I am still working on the radial turbine module, but I did have it to the point where I was able to solve for the turbine throat plane relative gas properties, so I just added a mass continuity check to solve for the relative Mach number at the turbine throat and with the 6.05 inch throat area I am not seeing any choking. I have a vane passage filled with RTV to make a mold of the passage so that I can cut it up and measure it more accurately.
Like I said, I am still working through this program and it is not guaranteed to be correct...just thought I would show my first pass at running the GT55 turbine through it.
Here is the output that I the way...I am using the SAE AS755F standard station numbering scheme...that means that:
1 - is the inlet plane
2 - is the compressor inlet plane
3 - is the compressor stage discharge plane
4 - is the combustor discharge plane
41 - is the NGV throat
44 - is the turbine rotor throat
45 - is the exit plane of the turbine
5 - is just downstream of the turbine discharge
9 - is the discharge nozzle throat
******************** Compressor Performance ***********************
*********** Compressor Inlet **************
Inlet corrected flow, W2c = 2.33 lbm/s
Inlet physical flow, W2 = 2.33 lbm/s = 139.8 lbm/min
Compressor inlet geometric area, Ageo2 = 9.292 in^2
Compressor inlet total pressure, Pt2 = 14.696 psia
Compressor inlet static pressure, p2 = 12.512 psia
Compressor inlet total temperature, Tt2 = 59.0 deg F
Compressor inlet static temperature, T2 = 35.696 deg F
Compressor inlet constant pressure specific heat, Cp2 = 0.2393 Btu/lbm R
Compressor inlet total enthalpy, ht2 = 124.1 Btu/lbm
Compressor inlet effective area, A2 = 9.292 in^2
Compressor inlet Mach number, M2 = 0.485
Compressor inlet acoustic velocity a2 = 1091.1 ft/s
Compressor inlet mean axial velocity, Cm2 = 529.2 ft/s
*********** Compressor Discharge ***********
Compressor discharge geometric area, Ageo3 = 14.186 in^2
Compressor discharge total temperature, Tt3 = 390.67 deg F
Compressor discharge total pressure, Pt3 = 58.78 psia
Compressor discharge total enthalpy, ht3 = 208.0 Btu/lbm
Temperature rise through the compressor Tt3-Tt2 = 331.67 deg F
Compressor temperature ratio, Tt3/Tt2 = 1.639
Compressor specific work, WTc3 = 77.5 Btu/lbm
Power required by the compressor, PwrC = 276.36 hp
Compressor discharge plane Mach number, M3 = 0.095
******************** Combustor Performance ************************
Fuel to air ratio, FAR = 0.0161
Specified combustor temperature rise, delT34 = 1209 deg F
Physical fuel flow rate to achieve Tt4 target, Wf = 0.0374 lbm/s
Volumetric fuel flow rate, VFf = 20.266 gal/hr
Combustor annulus Mach number, M31 = 0.103
******************** Turbine Performance ***************************
Turbine pressure ratio, PRt = 0.552
Turbine expansion ratio, ERt = 1.81
************ NGV **************
Turbine inlet total temperature, Tt4 = 1600 deg F
Turbine inlet static temperature, T40 = 1588.9 deg F
Throat static temperature, T41 = 1321.7 deg F
Turbine inlet total pressure, Pt4 = 55.845 psia
Turbine inlet static pressure, p4 = 52.154 psia
Throat static pressure, p41 = 30.44 psia
Turbine inlet constant pressure specific heat, Cp4 = 0.2865 Btu/lbm R
Turbine inlet enthalpy, ht4 = 590.07 Btu/lbm
Engine temperature ratio, Tt4/Tt2 = 3.971
Physical flow at plane 4, W4 = 2.3674 lbm/s
Corrected flow at plane 4, Wc4 = 1.2415 lbm/s
Turbine critical flow area, A41crit = 3.6985 in^2 (slight discrepancy between ideal solver and gas property solver)
NGV Throat effective area, Ae41 = 3.692 in^2
NGV absolute discharge velocity, V41 = 1998.7 ft/s
NGV absolute discharge angle, alpha41 = 62.7 deg
NGV absolute discharge static temperature, T41 = 1321.7 deg F
Turbine stage inlet Mach number, M40 = 0.186
Throat Mach Number, M41 = 0.997
Throat acoustic speed, a41 = 2004.7 ft/s
Throat mean velocity, V41 = 1998.7 ft/s
Turbine NGV critical pressure ratio, Pt4/p41crit = 1.841
Turbine NGV actual pressure ratio, Pt4/p4 = 1.835
********* Turbine Rotor ***************
Turbine discharge total pressure, Pt5 = 30.8 psia
Turbine discharge static pressure, p5 = 28.99 psia
Turbine discharge total temperature, Tt5 = 1326.75 deg F
Turbine discharge total enthalpy, ht5 = 506.28 Btu/lbm
Turbine total temperature drop, Tt4-Tt5 = 273.2 deg F
Turbine static temperature drop, T4-T5 = 123.0 deg F
Turbine NGV static temperature drop, T4-T41 = 267.2 deg F
Turbine rotor static temperature drop, T41-T5 = -144.2 deg F
Turbine Total to total Expansion ratio, Pt4/Pt5 = 1.813
Turbine Total to static Expansion ratio, Pt4/p5 = 1.927
Turbine temperature ratio, Tt4Tt5 = 1.153
Turbine discharge effective area, A5 = 12.629 in^2
Turbine discharge critical flow area, A50crit = 6.246 in^2
Turbine exit Mach number, M5 = 0.305
Turbine matching work, WT4 = 83.78 Btu/lbm
Turbine ideal enthalpy drop, delhideal = 161.3 Btu/lbm
Turbine stage enthalpy drop, delht4ht5 = 83.8 Btu/lbm
************************* Exhaust Nozzle ******************************
Nozzle total pressure ratio, Pt5/Pt9 = 2.0957
Nozzle static to total pressure ratio, Pt0/P5 = 0.4772
Nozzle driving pressure difference, P5-P9 = 14.29 psia
Nozzle discharge Mach number, M9 = 1.01
******************************* Performance ***************************
Compressor Power, PwrC = 276.4 hp
Turbine Power, PwrT = 280.6 hp
Turbine Ideal Power, PwrTideal = 540.1 hp
Mechanical power absorbed, PwrMech = 4.209 hp
Compressor spec work, SpecWC = 77.5 Btu/lbm
Turbine spec work, SpecWT = 83.8 Btu/lbm
********* Densities ***************
Compressor inlet density, = 0.0682 lbm/in^3
Compressor outlet density, = 0.1858 lbm/in^3
Combustor outler density, = 0.0732 lbm/in^3
NGV Throat density, = 0.0461 lbm/in^3
Turbine outlet density, = 0.0437 lbm/in^3
Nozzle throat density, = 0.029 lbm/in^3
********* Pressure Ratios ***************
Compressor pressure ratio, PRc = 4.0
Combustor pressure ratio, PRcomb = 0.95
Turbine pressure ratio, PRt = 0.552
Nozzle pressure ratio, PRn = 0.477
Pressure ratio Product Check = 1.0
********* Enthalpies ***************
Compressor inlet enthalpy = 124.129 Btu/lbm
Combustor inlet enthalpy = 207.98 Btu/lbm
Turbine inlet enthalpy = 590.067 Btu/lbm
Nozzle inlet enthalpy = 506.284 Btu/lbm
********* Station Properties ***************
Compressor inlet, Plane 20 Tt2 = 59.0 deg F, Ts2 = 35.7 deg F, Pt2 = 14.696 psia Ps2 = 12.512 psia
Compressor outlet, Plane 31 Tt3 = 390.7 deg F, Ts3 = 389.2 deg F, Pt3 = 58.784 psia Ps3 = 58.417 psia
Combustor outlet, Plane 40 Tt4 = 1600 deg F, Ts4 = 1588.9 deg F, Pt4 = 55.845 psia Ps4 = 52.154 psia
Turbine NGV oulet,Plane 41 Tt41 = 1600 deg F, Ts41 = 1321.7 deg F, Pt41 = 55.845 psia Ps41 = 30.435 psia
Turbine outlet, Plane 45 Tt5 = 1326.8 deg F, Ts5 = 1300.2 deg F, Pt5 = 30.799 psia Ps5 = 28.985 psia
Nozzle outlet, Plane 9 Tt9 = 1326.8 deg F, Ts9 = 1072.9 deg F, Pt9 = 25.832 psia Ps9 = 14.696 psia
********* Turbine Areas ***************
Turbine NGV discharge, Plane 41 Area = 3.692 in^2 Throat Mach Number = 0.997
Turbine discharge relative, Plane 44 Area = 6.051 in^2 Throat Mach Number = 0.859
Good luck