Wow! What a beautiful engine. It looks complete and in excellent external condition too.
... Thank you very much cursor keys! Due to your informations, the sheet and a lot of comparison work
the last days, I'm now a lot more familiar with the parts of my turbine here
Although there are still a lot questions open right now and a few more have shown up.
Your hint with the colored bands around the pipes was indeed very helpful. At my first attempt discovering
the engine I didn't even notice those small bends but they deliver a lot of information.
The large black pipe (as mentioned under the section
"second picture") has to be bleed air. Even the
bend around it says
COMPRESSED AIR but I'm still not sure what for because it's intake is after
the PT-part. Maybe for cooling the reduction gear and/or torquemeter?
The drawings on the magazine you linked, doesn't really show where this pipe is leading to. On page 632
in the right lower corner there is an inlet shown for "
6th stage (filtered) bleed air" which would match
with the compressed air the pipe delivers.
Red = pipe /
orange = air filter)
As you told, the green thing on the picture is likely for engine anti icing. I don't know about that but I can
tell that there are both oil and fuel pipes leading to this case.
The green marked one is still a mistery to me. It looks like a second oil distribution system. Or maybe it's just
for spreading scavenge oil? I don't know yet.
I'm also still not sure about the two red-bunged pipes on both sides of the engine. I lit in with a lamp but
either they connect directly to the diffusor chamber or through them right to the casing of the compressor
bearing case. This will need some more investigation.
Further I've found two new sensors and/or measuring devices, as shown in the following pictures:
1) Most likely some kind of oil temperature (or pressure?) sensor. Because on the pipe system it's
mounted on the bend says
2) Since this sensor is mounted directly beneath the reduction gear it maybe is the output of
the torquemeter.
I'll go on investigating next weekend. Until then I try to figure out the electrical schematics
of the starter box and how they have been connected
I also hope for a reply from the UK helicopter museum. Hopefully they have some more detailed
plans and drawings.
Maybe I'll also find out where the cracking sounds come from when I turn the turbine through
the torque ring. It doesn't sound like something is damaged. It cracks periodically and seems
to come from the power turbine or near it. It also cracks twice a turn therefore a loose blade
slipping it's mounting screws up and down, came into my mind but the cracking sounds kept
the same even when I turned the turbine more fast. They just came in shorter periods as I
increased the turning speed of the torque ring. However, the turbine turns perfectly and I hope
it's not that serious. If I can't find the origin of these sounds I guess I'll have to take the rear part
of the engine apart
Again, thanks for the help so far.
P.S.: I'm based in western Austria and owning a turbine is not very common around here